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About Us
Amjay Exports is your partner in India for sourcing products of any kind.
In this highly globalized world we live in, businesses and individuals are seeking products of all kinds from all over the world. With goods and services flowing freely across borders, there has never been better access to a highly global marketplace. However, the buying process can get quite complicated and confusing especially if one is not from that country. Every country has its own way of doing business and one has to understand the local cultures and norms in order to be successful.
Amjay Exports, in effect, is your purchasing agent in India. Tell us what you are looking for and we will get it sourced in India. We will navigate the maze so you don’t have to. We will handle all the export paperwork and have the goods loaded and shipped
Featured Products


Aluminium Castings and Fabrications

Steel and wrought Iron Castings

Sheet Metal

Door & Windows

Semi Precious Stone Decorative

3D Printing and laser scanning